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How'd it happen?

It's not common for most NYC Fire fighters to protect our facepieces.  We use them until it's too difficult to see through and we then replace them.  


Seems inefficient... So when I acquired a new one, I decided I would protect it and decided to Google around for my options.

The only ones I found were expensive and required a timely process to take off.


I wanted something affordable that I could remove instantly without unbuckling, unbuttoning, unstrapping and un-bagging. There was nothing available.


So I tried to figure out my own version and it didn't take long to experiment with magnets. They worked perfectly!  I made one for myself and realized other firefighters may be interested in the same thing.


Once the kinks were ironed out with magnet types and leathers, I made them available to all on Etsy.


The idea evolved from there and gradually caught the attention of firefighters across the country and even Internationally.



FAQ and Concerns

1. Can they be used for Black-out training?   Only the Scott Guards can be used for Blackout Training


2. What are they made of?   5/6oz Genuine, Full Grain leather.  


3. Where are they made?  My home workshop in Brooklyn, NY.


4. Delivery time?  1 - 4 weeks. 

1 Week if you order a plain guard or just Flag.  2 - 3 weeks if you order a customized Guard. 3 - 5 weeks if demand is very high.


5. Functionality over Aesthetics.   Facepiece Guards are designed to protect and be instantly removed.  They're not meant to look pretty. They're thin enough to be tucked into your Bunker gear pocket, Affordable enough to be easily replaced if lost and Tough enough to last.


6. Irregular orders:  All Guards are made by or inspected by me!  Every now and then a piece of leather would have some damage or mistake where I would add a patch to cover it or extension using rivets.  These will Not effect the guards functionality or scratch the visor.  

*An extension or patch does, however look pretty cool!

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